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How Can I Volunteer at St. Vincent de Paul?

Prior to volunteering at SVdP, we ask that you come for a visit and introduction to the pantry.

When: Friday morning
Time: 9:00 a.m.
Why: We can show you the facility and share the types of volunteer opportunities we can offer. We will discuss what type of opportunity best fits you. *See the examples below.
How: Fill out the form and we will contact you.


What can I do at SVdP?

There are a variety of job opportunities at SVdP. Our goal is to match a volunteer with a job that will offer the volunteer a sense of meaningful contribution to the mission of SVdP.

Please consider your personal needs in looking at the jobs at the pantry. We strive to keep a consistent and satisfied group of volunteers who find this experience spiritually and emotionally rewarding.

  1. Office assistance with data collection; some computer skills are required.
  2. Repackaging product: Many items need to be repacked from large quantities to smaller quantities. This can include dry products as well as fresh produce, bread, cookies, and/or cleaning supplies.
  3. Packaging of products: These items can include drinks, canned foods, snack bags, adult personal items, meat products and grocery bags for distribution.
  4. Line Distribution: On the distribution line multiple people hand out items to cars passing through the pantry. Direct contact with clientele occurs as volunteers distribute food products. Volunteers need to be ready for impacts of the weather. We distribute in all weather conditions.
  5. Walk-up Table: Direct contact with clientele who do not have a vehicle to pick up product. We distribute in all weather conditions.
  6. Cart Pushers: Volunteers walk carts throughout the building and pick up multiple bags that are loaded into the carts to be distributed. Volunteers need to be able to pick up heavier items and to walk for extended periods of time.
  7. Cardboard breakdown: Volunteers are asked to breakdown cardboard that is taken to the recycling center.
  8. Grocery Store Pickup: Volunteers are asked to take a van from the pantry and pick up items donated from the grocery stores in the local area. Items are then brought back to the pantry and dropped off.
  9. Truck Unloading Crew: Volunteers will assist with unloading products from Midwest and Eastern Illinois Food Banks.
  10. Clothing Pantry: Direct contact with clientele in distribution of clothing and some household items.

    Volunteer Application

    Please complete the application form and we will respond soon. Thank you.

    All applicants will be required to complete a background check.

    Fields marked with an * are required.

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    Additional Opportunities to Volunteer

    Opportunities to volunteer also include skills that may be done at home and not at the pantry building. You can support the mission of SVdP by helping in one of the areas listed below. Some of these may be off site and others are an “as needed” basis at the facility.

    • SVdP needs assistance to help keep our website current with updates and monthly information.
    • On Monday and Saturday, assistance with data collection in the office is welcomed. Computer skills are required.
    • We need people who can operate equipment used in the warehouse and in the freezer and refrigerator. These jobs require a specific skill set.
    • As needed, we can use the expert skills of technicians for refrigeration, plumbing, building maintenance, tree trimming, and vehicle maintenance.
    • As needed, we can use expert knowledge regarding insurance, building security, legal counseling, computers, marketing and banking.
    • In the spring and fall, we grow produce in the St. Isadore Garden. Volunteers will assist with planting, weeding, and harvesting produce throughout the spring and summer and into the fall. An email is sent to volunteers indicating the time and day to assist. Volunteering times vary with the growing season and needs of the garden.
    • A collection for the pantry is held at Holy Trinity/ Historic Saint Patrick on the third weekend of each month. Volunteer to assist with the collection.
    Volunteer positions include:
    • Front door greeters and guides
    • Hosts and hostesses
    • Drivers
    • Shelf stockers
    • Bulk food preparation
    • Clothes pantry (multiple positions)
    • Horticulture (St. Isidore’s Garden)
    • Grounds
    • Building maintenance
    • Administration
    • Media management